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Welcome to The Coil's rules page!

Click on the different tabs to see the different sections of the rules.

Failure to follow the posted rules, will result in punishments that include but are not limited to: Mutes, Temp Ban, Permanent Ban, Loss of ranks and or rank stats.


  • No Griefing; Even if it is unclaimed
  • No spamming in chat
  • Keep full cap messages to a minimum
  • Keep swearing to a minimum, and do not target swearing towards other players / people
  • No trolling / flaming
  • No begging for ranks or in-game items
  • Respect all players and staff
  • AFK "grinding" skills to gain a higher playtime rank is prohibited
  • Obey Staff. If you have an issue with what they have said or something they have done, please contact one of the owners through discord or via email; Support@thecoilmc.com
  • No racist or sexist remarks
  • No hacked clients. Certain mods are allowed such as mini-maps(if they do not show player locations or see through walls). (if you are unsure if you are allowed to use a mod that is not listed, please contact one of the Owner's or Admins to find out.
  • No cheating or exploits
  • No "fake hacking" meaning you purposely try to look like a hacker; this will carry the same punishment as an actual hacker. (e.g. sitting at spawn spinning around towards players and attacking to make it look like you have kill aura)
  • No advertising (such as promoting other servers, Hosts or Discord servers)
  • Please refrain from destroying our main Overworld. We have a resource world (/Warp Resource) that reset about every month
  • Auto-login clients are no longer allowed. You can still use the clients for the other features however, the Auto-Login must be disabled. First attempt will result in a warning. After that temp bans will take place.
  • Anti-AFK machines are not allowed.
  • No glitch abusing/exploiting (e.g. duplicating items, escaping the map, eating whilst running, escaping combat tag, intentionally getting yourself banned, etc - no matter your intention)
  • No inappropriate usernames; you will be banned until you change your name. (applies to names that include swear words, racism, sexism, or any other inappropriate terms/phrases)
  • No lag machines
  • No inappropriate builds/signs
  • No inappropriate item names
  • Don't unfairly abuse server resources. This may include, but is not limited to: overly computationally expensive spawner designs, not clearing items in an area properly, creating lag machines and/or bypassing server limitations. Those that do so unnecessarily use server resources exorbitantly more than other players will find their areas cleared.
  • 30 of the same type of SPAWNER may stack inside of one another.
    • Only four(4) different types of spawners may be used in a single chunk.


  • Do not claim within 100 blocks of another claim (unless the owner the the first claim there gives you permission).
  • Do not grief around another players claim.
  • Do not make small claims around a claim to barricade someone in an area.
  • Do not steal/grief from another's claim while you're trusted on their claim.

Punishment: Breaking any of these rules will result in a warning/mute or in some cases a permanent ban.


1) No spamming in chat
2) Keep full cap messages to a minimum
3) No begging for ranks or in-game items
4) Respect all players and staff
5) Obey Staff. If you have an issue with what they have said or something they have done, please contact one of the owners through discord or via email; Support@thecoilmc.com
6) No advertising (such as promoting other servers or other Discords)
7) NO NSFW message or comments
8) This is a family friendly server so keep it PG - PG-13
9) No arguing... Not the entire server needs to hear your drama. Take it to the DM's
10) Keep controversial topics to a minimum. If both you and the other person want to discuss these topics; Take it to the DM's


  • No spamming posts or replies
  • Keep full cap posts to a minimum
  • No begging for ranks or in-game items
  • Respect all players and staff with your comments
  • No advertising (such as promoting other servers or other Discords)
  • NO NSFW messages, images, videos, links or comments
  • This is a family friendly community, so keep it PG - PG-13
  • No arguing... Not the entire server needs to hear your drama. Take it to the DM's
  • Keep controversial topics to a minimum. If both you and the other person want to discuss these topics; Take it to the DM's
  • No stalking/harassing any player
  • No leaking player's personal information
  • This includes false information; it will be treated the same way!
  • No IRL scamming where the victim suffers a real-life financial loss. If you were scammed out of IRL currency, then you must obtain sufficient evidence and report the player.
  • Use common sense. If common sense dictates something should most likely be against the rules, then do not do it! If you are ever in doubt about something please ask a staff member beforehand.
  • No form of threats towards any player for any reason
  • No mass messaging
  • No suicide encouragement, death wishes or death threats (includes phrases encouraging self-harm)
  • No spamming, flooding chat or encouraging spam. This includes spamming in PMs and spamming commands like /pay, /is ban, /tpa, etc.
  • No advertising (such as promoting other servers, Hosts or Discord servers)
  • No racism, bigotry, hate speech or any other discriminatory language
  • Do not intentionally bypass the chat filter to swear or use inappropriate language.
  • Keep Politics out of public chat. This is a game server, and this topic does not need to be discussed here. Take it to the DM's!
  • The Coil is not the place to talk about your 'Mental Health'. We do not have the knowledge or skills to help give you professional advise. Please keep this topic out of the server.